Briefing and evaluation: how to give clients what they want by learning from projects08/06/17

This seminar will show how briefing, design and procurement influence building performance and the common pitfalls to avoid. It will explain how to better influence project outcomes and client satisfaction, and how you can learn from projects after handover.
Presenting evidence of the ‘performance gap’ showing many buildings don’t meet their intended design expectations and the main causes, this seminar will explain how good briefing and stakeholder engagement can help give better outcomes, as well as the key roles that method of procurement and project implementation strategy play.

Organisation: RIBA
Date: 08/06/17
Time: 14:00
Speaker: Ashley Bateson, Hoare Lea
Venue: Gateshead Civic Centre
Cost: Non-member - £106.80 (£89 + VAT), Student member - £18 (£15 + VAT), Member - £74.40 (£62 + VAT)
Type: CPD
Contact: Kate Aldred - 0191 261 7441
Region: Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Time of Day: Day
Topic: Other

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