Financial management: how to run a profitable business09/03/17

What are the key considerations that architects should be aware of when looking to run a successful, profitable practice? It goes without saying that exceeding clients’ expectations is a key contributor to a successful practice, but it can often lead to architects working ‘in’ the business as opposed to ‘on’ the business.

In uncertain times, it is more important than ever to have an understanding of pipeline, resource management, cash management and the current market.

This session will provide delegates with a clear understanding of the tools available to ensure that practices are run effectively, and crucially, operate at a profit. Using working examples and real-life scenarios.

Organisation: RIBA
Date: 09/03/17
Time: 14:00
Speaker: Ian McBane, Moore Stephens
Venue: Gateshead Civic Centre
Cost: Non-member - £106.80 (£89 + VAT), Student member - £18 (£15 + VAT), Member - £74.40 (£62 + VAT)
Type: CPD
Contact: Kate Sankey - 0191 261 7441
Region: Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Time of Day: Day
Topic: Other

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