Refurbishing the existing housing stock: priorities and unintended consequences06/10/16

This seminar will offer an overview of the UK housing stock and the drivers for insulating it. Case studies of successful fabric efficiency upgrades will be presented, and will be set against some examples of unintended consequences of fabric upgrades.

Core Curriculum topics:  1. Climate 2. Designing and building it

Organisation: RIBA
Date: 06/10/16
Time: 14:00pm (registration 13:30pm)
Speaker: Sofie Pelsmakers DipArch MScArch MRes ARB RIBA, Architecture for Change (AfC) and doctoral researcher, UCL Energy Institute
Venue: Gateshead Civic Centre
Cost: Non-member £106.80 (£89 + VAT), RIBA Student member £18 (£15 + VAT), RIBA/CIAT Individual member £74.40 (£62 + VAT)
Type: Core CPD
Contact: Kate Sankey -
Region: Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Time of Day: Day
Topic: Other

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