Making contracts work: guiding principles and practical approach15/09/16

This seminar is an essential guide to contract law and relevant issues specific to architects. It will include a comprehensive review of contract formation, interpretation and obligations, as well as RIBA Concise and Domestic Building Contracts.

Core Curriculum topics: 1. Procurement and contracts 2. Internal management

Organisation: RIBA
Date: 15/09/16
Time: 14:00pm (registration 13:30pm)
Speaker: Andrew Butler, Tanfield Chambers
Venue: Gateshead Civic Centre
Cost: Non-member £106.80 (£89 + VAT), RIBA Student member £18 (£15 + VAT), RIBA/CIAT Individual member £74.40 (£62 + VAT)
Type: Core CPD
Contact: Kate Sankey -
Region: Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Time of Day: Day
Topic: Procurement

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